Hanuman Mantra For Great Protection

Hanuman Mantra For Great Protection 

Hanuman Moola Mantra:

Hanuman Mantra

“Om Shri Hanumate Namah”


Om”: The universal sound; the ultimate reality or consciousness.
“Shri“: An auspicious and respectful salutation.
“Hanumate”: Referring to Lord Hanuman, the devotee of Lord Rama and a symbol of strength, devotion, and unwavering loyalty.

“Namah”: I bow to you; I surrender to you.

Overall Meaning:

The Hanuman Moola Mantra is a reverent salutation to Lord Hanuman. By chanting this mantra, devotees seek the blessings, protection, and grace of Lord Hanuman, who is known for his incredible strength, devotion, and selfless service. This mantra is often recited to invoke his divine presence and to gain courage, inner strength, and success in one’s endeavors.

Chanting this mantra with devotion and sincerity is believed to bring the devotee closer to Lord Hanuman and to receive his divine guidance and blessings. It is also a way of expressing humility and surrender to the great devotee of Lord Rama.


1. Hanuman Moola Mantra:

“Om Shri Hanumate Namah”

2. Hanuman Gayatri Mantra:

“Aum Anjaneyaya Vidmahe, Mahabalaya Dhimahi, Tanno Hanuman Prachodayat”

3. Hanuman Chalisa:

The Hanuman Chalisa is a 40-verse hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman. It is widely chanted by devotees to seek his blessings, strength, and protection.

4. Hanuman Beej Mantra:

 “Om Hanumate Namah”

5. Hanuman Dwadash Naam Stotra:

This is a prayer that lists the twelve names of Lord Hanuman.

6. Hanuman Ashtak Mantra:

 “Sankat Mochan, Namon Tey, Hanuman Ji Hamarey”

These mantras are often recited by devotees to invoke the blessings and protection of Lord Hanuman. Chanting these mantras with devotion is believed to bring strength, courage, and success in one’s endeavors.

Uses Of Hanuman Mantra

The Hanuman Mantra, especially the “Om Hanumate Namah” mantra, is a sacred and powerful chant dedicated to Lord Hanuman, a revered deity in Hinduism. This mantra has various uses and significance:

1. Devotion and Worship: The primary use of the Hanuman Mantra is for expressing devotion and worship to Lord Hanuman. Devotees recite the mantra to invoke his blessings and seek his divine presence in their lives.

2. Strength and Courage: Lord Hanuman is a symbol of great strength and courage. Chanting the Hanuman Mantra is believed to provide inner strength and the determination to overcome challenges and obstacles in life.

3. Protection and Safety: Many people recite the Hanuman Mantra to seek protection from negative influences, dangers, and adversities. Lord Hanuman is considered a guardian and protector.

4. Removal of Obstacles: It is believed that chanting this mantra can help in removing obstacles and difficulties that one may encounter on their path, both in the material and spiritual realms.

5. Health and Well-being: Devotees sometimes chant the Hanuman Mantra for good health and well-being. It is thought to have healing properties and can provide relief from physical and mental ailments.

6. Boosting Confidence: Regular recitation of the Hanuman Mantra is said to boost self-confidence and increase one’s ability to face life’s challenges with a positive attitude.

7. Peace of Mind: The mantra can bring a sense of calm and inner peace. It is used for meditation and mindfulness practices to attain mental serenity.

8. Aid in Spirituality: Many individuals use this mantra as part of their spiritual practices to deepen their connection with Lord Hanuman and advance on their spiritual journey.

9. Overcoming Fears: Chanting the Hanuman Mantra can help in conquering fears, anxieties, and phobias, promoting emotional well-being.

10. Warding Off Negative Energies: It is believed that the mantra’s vibrations can drive away negative energies, thoughts, and entities from one’s surroundings.

Remember that the effectiveness and significance of the Hanuman Mantra can vary from person to person, and its power is often associated with one’s sincerity and devotion while reciting it.

How To Chant Hanuman Mantra:

Chanting the Hanuman Mantra is a sacred and spiritually uplifting practice. Here are the steps on how to chant the Hanuman Mantra effectively:

1. Find a Quiet Place: Choose a peaceful and quiet place for your chanting practice where you won’t be disturbed. This can be a corner in your home, a temple, or any place where you can sit comfortably.

2. Sit Comfortably: Sit down in a comfortable posture. You can sit cross-legged on the floor, on a yoga mat, or even on a chair if that’s more comfortable for you. The key is to maintain an upright and relaxed posture.

3. Focus and Set an Intention: Before you begin chanting, take a moment to clear your mind and set an intention for your practice. Whether it’s for devotion, strength, protection, or any other purpose, having a clear intention can enhance the effectiveness of your chanting.

4. Meditative State: Try to enter a meditative state by taking a few deep breaths and relaxing your body and mind. Close your eyes if it helps you focus better.

5. Chant with Devotion: Start chanting the Hanuman Mantra with devotion and sincerity. The most common Hanuman Mantra is “Om Hanumate Namah,” but there are other Hanuman Mantras as well. Chant the mantra with a clear and melodious voice. You can use a mala (prayer beads) to keep count of your repetitions.

6. Focus on the Meaning: While chanting, try to understand the meaning of the mantra. “Om Hanumate Namah” is a salutation to Lord Hanuman. This understanding can deepen your connection to the mantra.

7. Repetition: The Hanuman Mantra can be chanted any number of times, but common counts are 108, 54, or 27 times. You can also chant for a specific duration, such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes.

8. Maintain Consistency: Regularity is key. Chant the Hanuman Mantra daily at the same time if possible. This consistency helps in building a strong spiritual practice.

9. Express Gratitude: After you have completed your chanting, take a moment to express gratitude to Lord Hanuman for his blessings and protection. This is also an opportunity to reaffirm your intention.

10. Conclude with Meditation: After chanting, sit in silence for a few minutes in meditation. This allows you to absorb the positive energy and vibrations created during your practice.

11. Be Patient: The benefits of chanting the Hanuman Mantra may not be immediately apparent. Be patient and continue your practice with faith and dedication.

12. Respect and Purity: Maintain personal hygiene and purity during your practice. It’s also respectful to wash your hands and face before chanting.

Remember that the Hanuman Mantra is a personal and spiritual practice. Chant it with a pure heart, and you will experience its positive effects on your life.

To Read Hanuman Chalisa