Kubera Mantra For Great Attraction Of Wealth

Kubera Mantra For Great Attraction Of Wealth

The Kubera Mantra is dedicated to Lord Kubera, who is regarded as the treasurer of wealth and the guardian of treasures in Hindu mythology. Chanting the Kubera Mantra is believed to attract prosperity, wealth, and financial stability. Lord Kubera is often invoked to bless individuals with material and financial abundance. Here is the Kubera Mantra:

Kubera Mantra

Sanskrit Mantra:

“ॐ कुबेराय नमः॥”


“Om Kuberaaya Namah.”

Certainly, here’s the Kubera Mantra along with its meaning:


“Om” is the universal sound, representing the essence of the ultimate reality.
“Kuberaaya” is a salutation to Lord Kubera.
“Namah” means “I bow to” or “I honor.”

The Kubera Mantra is a simple yet powerful chant that is used to invoke the blessings of Lord Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity. When recited with devotion and a pure heart, this mantra is believed to attract wealth, financial stability, and material abundance into one’s life. Lord Kubera is regarded as the guardian of treasures, and chanting this mantra is a way of seeking his favor for financial well-being and success.

To use the Kubera Mantra for attracting wealth and financial well-being, you can chant it daily with devotion and focus. While chanting, it’s essential to have a clear and positive intention. Some people also like to light a lamp or diya, offer flowers, and perform the chant in front of an image or idol of Lord Kubera for added significance.

It’s important to note that the Kubera Mantra is often used in conjunction with other wealth and prosperity mantras, such as the Lakshmi Mantra, for enhanced effects. Chanting these mantras regularly, along with a positive mindset and honest efforts, is believed to be conducive to financial success and abundance.

Certainly, there are several mantras dedicated to Lord Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity. Chanting these Kubera mantras is believed to attract wealth, financial stability, and material abundance. Here are some Kubera mantras:

2.Kubera Beej Mantra:

“Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaisrananaya Dhanadhanyadi Padayeh Dhana-Dhanya Samreedhave
Dehi Dapaya Swaha”

This is a powerful Kubera Beej (seed) mantra for attracting wealth and prosperity.


3.Kubera Gayatri Mantra:

“Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaaya Dhanadhanyadi Mahadevaya Namah”

The Kubera Gayatri mantra is used to invoke the blessings of Lord Kubera for financial well-being.


4.Kubera Dhana Prapti Mantra:

“Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah”

This mantra is chanted to attract wealth and abundance into one’s life.

5.Kubera Ashtakam:

The Kubera Ashtakam is a hymn of eight verses that praises Lord Kubera and seeks his blessings for prosperity and wealth.

6.Kubera Moola Mantra:

“Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaisrananaya Danadhanya Padayehi Dapaya Swaha”

This is the basic Kubera Moola mantra that is used to invoke Lord Kubera’s blessings for riches.

7.Kubera Mantra for Fortune and Prosperity:

 “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Maha Lakshmiyai Namah”

While it invokes Goddess Lakshmi, this mantra is also associated with Lord Kubera for attracting wealth and fortune.

8.Kubera Yantra Mantra:

 “Om Yaksharajaya Vidmahe Vasudhanandhaya Dhimahi
Tanno Kubera Prachodayat”

This mantra is used in combination with the Kubera Yantra, a sacred geometric symbol, for invoking Kubera’s blessings.

Chanting these Kubera mantras with devotion and a sincere heart is believed to help individuals attract wealth, financial stability, and prosperity into their lives. Additionally, performing rituals or pujas dedicated to Lord Kubera can enhance the effectiveness of these mantras. It’s essential to chant these mantras regularly and with a positive intention for the best results.

Uses Of Kubera Mantra

The Kubera Mantra, dedicated to Lord Kubera, is chanted for various purposes, and it is believed to have several uses and benefits, primarily related to wealth, prosperity, and financial well-being. Here are some of the common uses of the Kubera Mantra:

1. Attracting Wealth: Chanting the Kubera Mantra is primarily done to attract wealth and material abundance into one’s life. Lord Kubera is considered the guardian of wealth and treasures, and his blessings are sought for financial prosperity.

2. Financial Stability: The mantra is used to seek financial stability and security, especially during times of economic hardship or financial challenges.

3. Success in Business: Entrepreneurs, business owners, and those involved in financial endeavors may chant this mantra to invoke Lord Kubera’s blessings for the success and growth of their businesses.

4. Debt Relief: Some people recite the Kubera Mantra with the intention of clearing debts and overcoming financial burdens.

5. Protection of Wealth: The mantra is believed to safeguard one’s accumulated wealth from unforeseen losses or financial setbacks.

6. Harmony in Home and Family: Chanting the Kubera Mantra is also thought to promote harmony and prosperity within one’s family and home.

7. Spiritual Growth: While primarily associated with material wealth, the mantra can also be used as part of one’s spiritual practice to attain inner growth and spiritual enlightenment.

8. Positive Mindset: Reciting the Kubera Mantra can help instill a positive mindset and abundance consciousness, which may lead to better financial decisions and opportunities.

9. Offering Devotion: The Kubera Mantra can be chanted as an act of devotion to Lord Kubera, seeking his blessings and grace.

10. Rituals and Pujas: The mantra is often included in rituals, pujas, and ceremonies dedicated to Lord Kubera, especially during auspicious occasions.

It’s important to remember that the effectiveness of the Kubera Mantra may vary from person to person, and results are often influenced by one’s faith, devotion, and actions in the material world. Chanting the mantra with sincerity and a clear intention is key to realizing its potential benefits in attracting wealth and prosperity.

How To Chant Mantra

Chanting a Kubera Mantra is a sacred practice to invoke the blessings of Lord Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to chant a Kubera Mantra:

1. Choose a Calm and Clean Place:
Find a serene and clean place for your practice, where you can sit or stand comfortably without distractions.

2. Preparation:
Before you begin, wash your hands and face, and sit in a clean and respectful state of mind. It’s customary to light a lamp or diya and incense to create a sacred atmosphere.

3. Set an Intention:
Have a clear and specific intention for your mantra practice. Kubera Mantras are often chanted to seek blessings for financial prosperity, wealth, and abundance.

4. Chant the Mantra:
Start reciting the chosen Kubera Mantra. There are various Kubera Mantras, but one of the most common is the “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namaha” mantra.

“ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं क्लीं वित्तेश्वराय नमः॥”

“Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namaha.”

5. Repeat with Devotion:
Chant each syllable of the mantra with devotion and focus. You can use a mala (prayer beads) to help keep track of the repetitions. Many devotees chant the mantra 108 times or in multiples of 9 (e.g., 9, 18, 27, etc.) for more auspicious results.

6. Visualization:
As you recite the mantra, visualize Lord Kubera bestowing wealth, prosperity, and abundance upon you and your surroundings.

7. Understand the Meaning:
If you understand the meaning of the mantra, contemplate it as you recite it. The “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namaha” mantra is a salutation to Lord Kubera, acknowledging his divine qualities and seeking his blessings for financial prosperity.

8. Maintain Regularity:
Consistency is important. Chanting a Kubera Mantra daily, especially during auspicious occasions, is a common practice.

9. Closure:
Conclude your practice with a few moments of silence, reflection, and gratitude. Express your thanks to Lord Kubera for his blessings.

10. Offer Prasad:
If you have prepared prasad (an offering of sweets or fruits), you can offer it to Lord Kubera and then share it with others as a symbol of unity and devotion.

Chanting a Kubera Mantra is a way to seek the blessings of Lord Kubera for financial prosperity, wealth, and abundance. It is a practice that can provide a sense of financial security and abundance in one’s life.

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